ATTENTION If you contacted this office circa 2000 or earlier with regard to a claim for clergy sexual abuse there is new information concerning the New Jersey statewide compensation fund that may pertain to your specific case. Call 609-487-9864 |
Stephen C. Rubino is one of the country's early pioneers representing survivors of sexual abuse in institutional settings.
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Panel Approves Bill Eliminating Statute Of Limitations in Civil Child-Abuse Suits
David Gialanella All Articles
New Jersey Law Journal
January 5, 2012
A bill that would abolish the civil statute of limitations for childhood sex abuse victims won an Assembly committee approval Thursday and seems on track for final passage.
The measure, A-3622/S-2405, would replace the current limitations statute, which requires filing suit within two years of “the time of reasonable discovery of the injury and its causal relationship to the act of sexual abuse,” with a blanket statement that such actions may be brought “at any time.”
It also would expand the pool of individuals who might be found liable in those suits and provide for liability of “public entities,” including religious and educational nonprofit organizations.
It would amend several statutes, including the state Charitable Immunity Act, and remove the time bar on any suit alleging sexual abuse of a minor, including abuse stemming from negligent hiring, supervision or retention of a nonprofit employee or agent.
The bill, released by the Assembly Judiciary Committee in a 4-1 vote, also would impose liability on nonprofits organizations, their trustees and employees for willful and wanton conduct, and for gross negligence.
According to the bill’s accompanying statement, judicial efforts to define when the statute of limitations starts running for victims of past abuse have yielded complex and unclear results, and the bill would give victims access to the courts when they learn of the impact of the abuse many years after its occurrence.
The Charitable Immunity Act was amended in 2005 to limit nonprofits’ immunity in sex abuse cases, and Sen. Joseph Vitale, D-Middlesex, the Senate sponsor of the current bill, said organizations that effectively vet and monitor their staff should not be worried.
But Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, R-Monmouth, expressed concern that “it provides that organizations will be liable for negligence that results in the commission of a crime.” A situation in which officials learn of and conceal abuse is “a completely different legal issue than general negligence,” which the bill would make actionable, said Casagrande. “I just want to be certain that we’re making laws here that make sense, that aren’t dragging people to court who really had little to nothing to do with the abuse, who were volunteers, who were trying to do a good job,” she said. “I don’t know that subjecting them to civil lawsuits is necessarily the best way to protect our children,” she added. Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll, R-Morris, said that exposing the organizations to civil liability could take money away from their charitable functions and cause them to close to close their doors. “At the end of the day, the people who are going to pay these judgments are not the perps. The people who are going to pay these judgments are the people who benefit from the programs,” Carroll said. “These organizations may cease to exist.” Committee Chairman Peter Barnes III, D-Middlesex, a sponsor of the measure, said compensation to victims — who spend huge sums for psychotherapy as a result of suffering from abuse — is paramount. “We’re talking about child sex abuse,” Barnes said. “The bill increases the statute of limitations for that very narrow tort.”
“The Penn States of the world, the churches of the world, the peewee organizations ... either they’re going to take a hit, or the victims are going to take a hit,” Barnes said. “It’s a zero-sum game.” The committee approved a handful of amendments, including one that would lighten liability for trustees and employees: It would make those individuals liable for negligent acts only if they had supervisory or oversight roles. Casagrande abstained from voting on the measure. Carroll voted against it. The Senate Judiciary Committee released the Senate version of the bill in December 2010. The Assembly committee’s action on Thursday clears the bill for action in both houses
New Jersey Law Journal
January 5, 2012
A bill that would abolish the civil statute of limitations for childhood sex abuse victims won an Assembly committee approval Thursday and seems on track for final passage.
The measure, A-3622/S-2405, would replace the current limitations statute, which requires filing suit within two years of “the time of reasonable discovery of the injury and its causal relationship to the act of sexual abuse,” with a blanket statement that such actions may be brought “at any time.”
It also would expand the pool of individuals who might be found liable in those suits and provide for liability of “public entities,” including religious and educational nonprofit organizations.
It would amend several statutes, including the state Charitable Immunity Act, and remove the time bar on any suit alleging sexual abuse of a minor, including abuse stemming from negligent hiring, supervision or retention of a nonprofit employee or agent.
The bill, released by the Assembly Judiciary Committee in a 4-1 vote, also would impose liability on nonprofits organizations, their trustees and employees for willful and wanton conduct, and for gross negligence.
According to the bill’s accompanying statement, judicial efforts to define when the statute of limitations starts running for victims of past abuse have yielded complex and unclear results, and the bill would give victims access to the courts when they learn of the impact of the abuse many years after its occurrence.
The Charitable Immunity Act was amended in 2005 to limit nonprofits’ immunity in sex abuse cases, and Sen. Joseph Vitale, D-Middlesex, the Senate sponsor of the current bill, said organizations that effectively vet and monitor their staff should not be worried.
But Assemblywoman Caroline Casagrande, R-Monmouth, expressed concern that “it provides that organizations will be liable for negligence that results in the commission of a crime.” A situation in which officials learn of and conceal abuse is “a completely different legal issue than general negligence,” which the bill would make actionable, said Casagrande. “I just want to be certain that we’re making laws here that make sense, that aren’t dragging people to court who really had little to nothing to do with the abuse, who were volunteers, who were trying to do a good job,” she said. “I don’t know that subjecting them to civil lawsuits is necessarily the best way to protect our children,” she added. Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll, R-Morris, said that exposing the organizations to civil liability could take money away from their charitable functions and cause them to close to close their doors. “At the end of the day, the people who are going to pay these judgments are not the perps. The people who are going to pay these judgments are the people who benefit from the programs,” Carroll said. “These organizations may cease to exist.” Committee Chairman Peter Barnes III, D-Middlesex, a sponsor of the measure, said compensation to victims — who spend huge sums for psychotherapy as a result of suffering from abuse — is paramount. “We’re talking about child sex abuse,” Barnes said. “The bill increases the statute of limitations for that very narrow tort.”
“The Penn States of the world, the churches of the world, the peewee organizations ... either they’re going to take a hit, or the victims are going to take a hit,” Barnes said. “It’s a zero-sum game.” The committee approved a handful of amendments, including one that would lighten liability for trustees and employees: It would make those individuals liable for negligent acts only if they had supervisory or oversight roles. Casagrande abstained from voting on the measure. Carroll voted against it. The Senate Judiciary Committee released the Senate version of the bill in December 2010. The Assembly committee’s action on Thursday clears the bill for action in both houses
New York Child Victim's Act Update from Assemb. M. Markey
Portions of Amicus Brief for New Jersey Supreme Court
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"In determining whether or not a 'reasonable discovery of the injury and its causal relationship to the act of sexual abuse' was understood by the survivor, it is crucial to acknowledge that the survivor’s perception of the events constituting child sexual abuse may cause the survivor to misinterpret or recast the event as something other than what it was. Simply because a child sexual abuse survivor is aware of sexual contact does not mean he will associate that contact with harm. Likewise, simply because a child sexual abuse survivor is aware that he is depressed, confused about his gender identity, or otherwise "different" than normal people does not mean that the harm in his mind is associated with the abuse. Stated another way, predatory sexual contact with a child is not only a physical insult but a toxic assault on the still developing mind of a child engendering confusion, self loathing, fear, secrecy and a variety of other well documented sequellae. To many judges, lawyers, therapists and other objectively situated observers it is a simple crime of power and sex with predictable injuries and impacts. For the survivor it is far from simple straight line understanding of cause and effect. The road to understanding these types of events is a path filled with mixed messages, confusion and denial all of which evolved from an out of context event and on immature psyche of a child left to process the event. In this way, child sexual abuse and how it impacts the operable accrual language of the statute in question makes the child sexual abuse survivor litigant different from any other tort victims." More |

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Governor Murphy signs bill extending NJ statute of limitations. The bill will become effective on December 1, 2019
S.477, the New Jersey bill to amend the child sex abuse statutes of limitations, was signed into law on Monday May,13 2019. Key provisions of S.477 include: Extension of the civil statute of limitation to age 55 in child sex abuse cases, OR 7 years from discovery, whichever is later. Current law demands that the suit be filed within two years of the victim’s 18th birthday or two years after delayed discovery. Adult sex assault victims will have 7 years from victimization or 7 years from discovery, whichever is later Creation of a 2-year “window” during which victims whose civil claims have expired may file a civil lawsuit. Expand the categories of defendants who are liable in these cases to include nonprofit corporations, societies or associations organized exclusively for religious, charitable or educational purposes including its trustees, directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and volunteers. Senator Vitale’s legislation is a big step forward for survivors and victims in the state of New Jersey. CHILD USA is the only organization to track the child sex abuse Statute of Limitations (SOL) reform movement and to study and analyze SOL’s. For the latest information, visit www.childusa.org/2019sol. Regarding this new legislation, Professor Hamilton commented “New Jersey is now the leader in the United States on SOL reform for child sex abuse and adult assault victims. This is the first window to cover both child and adult victims. It has been an honor to work with Sen. Joe Vitale on this important legislation over the last 14 years. New Jersey joins, New York, Washington DC, and Montana by enacting a window this year and 38 other states are considering statute of limitation reform in 2019. This is a banner year for justice for victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Finally, after 20 years in the works the New Jersey Legislature has amended the Childhood Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations to sensibly match how many survivors process their injury.
The bill which was overwhelmingly passed by the House Assembly yesterday is headed to the Governors desk for signature.
Call for a free review of your case by someone who has concentrated his practice for over 30 years representing children and adult survivors of sexual abuse. 609.487.9864
March 11, 2019
More progress on New Jersey Statute of Limitations:
The Assembly Judiciary Committee today voted 4-0- with two abstentions in favor of A3648, which removes the two-year statute of limitations in child sex abuse cases in New Jersey. The full Senate will consider the bill this Thursday with the full Assembly weighing on March 25.
Check back here for further developments.
Bulletin: Sex Abuse Bill passes out of Senate Judiciary Committee today.
The New Jersey Assembly will take up the bill next week. The bill under consideration, S-477, would do the following:
Allow child victims to make claims until the age of 55, or seven years from discovering the injury and linking it to the alleged abuse, whichever is later;
Allow adult victims to make claims within seven years of discovering the injury;
and Create a two-year window, starting Dec. 1., 2019, for victims previously barred by the two-year statute of limitations to pursue a case.
Check back frequently for further developments.
December 4, 2018
New Jersey Moves a Step Closer to Repeal of Statute of Limitation for Abuse Survivors.
June 11, 2009
In April 2009, Professor Marci Hamilton for the Plaintiff and Stephen Rubino on behalf of SNAP(Survivor's Network of Those Abused by Priests) joined forces in the case of R.L. v Voytac and prevailed in a unanimous opinion issued by thr New Jersey Supreme Court giving all abuse survivors a level playing field in pursuing their childhood sexual abuse claims.
Click for the entire opinion & brief
Opinion | Judgment for Predatory Priests, Here and in the Hereafter
The New York Times
Published: 12-22-2018
The New York Times Editorial: A Window for Justice
For decades, priests who preyed sexually on children did so with shocking ease and impunity.
Published: 3-22-2009
Stephen Rubino named finalist for the 2008 Trial Lawyer of the Year...
Diocese of San Diego Sexual Abuse Settlement
Archdiocese of Los Angeles Sexual Abuse Settlement
Carol L. Kwoka
1954 - 2007
Eulogy For A Friend